Gallium 100 (101 x 44mm) - Criterion Industries

Gallium 100 (101 x 44mm)

The Gallium Suite is a strong and versatile glazing system engineered for seamless integration into any commercial setting, regardless of wall thickness.
Designed with an adaptable frame, Gallium can be installed at various stages of a project – including after plasterwork completion. With defined lines, the Gallium Suite complements modern interior design aesthetic and provides a strong visual focus within any space. 

Gallium 100 is a robust glazing suite with a heavy duty frame. With high flexibility in application, it is perfectly suited to a range of scenarios where a sturdy frame is necessary. For ease and convenience, this suite can be installed before or after solid walls have been applied. An adaptor function in the rear of the frame allows for a consistent appearance and dimension between doors and windows. A highly flexible solution.

  • 101mm x 44.5mm Glazing Window system
  • 44.5mm reveal
  • Centre Glazing available
  • Simple installation
  • Heavy duty door frame
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